Insanity workout

Fitness à la maison
Insanity, cédez à la folie !

This Is Insanity workout - Beach body - 60 jours - 10 Vidéos et Plusieurs Guides

INSANITY est un programme Beachbody dont le nom signifie littéralement "folie" en anglais !!
Ca fait peur ou ça donne envie, au choix, selon le caractère de chacune, j'avoue que moi j'ai eu très peur pendant très longtemps !!

Vendu comme étant le programme le plus difficile qui existe, mais également le plus connu avec P90X, Insanity est un concentré de vidéos cardio de très haut niveau qui, suivant le principe d'Interval Training, a pour but de faire fondre un maximum de graisse pour dévoiler nos muscles en un minimum de temps : 60 jours.

Du cardio, du cardio, du cardio !!

Shaun T et ses plaquettes de chocolat vont vous hypnotiser pour tenter de vous faire faire des workouts complètement fous, qui vous laisseront vidées, à bout de souffle, mais avec ce sentiment de satisfaction d'avoir tout donné. Et au bout de quelques jours, miraculeusement, après tous ces efforts, ces sauts et ces circuits, vous commencerez à voir la graisse quitter votre corps, votre ventre s'aplatir, vos jambes se dessiner... Alors, un peu moins peur ;) ?

Comment ça marche :

Ce qui rend Insanity si efficace, c'est son principe de Max Interval Training. Vous connaissiez l'interval training classique (ou fractionné, en français), Shaun T s'est basé sur cette méthode d'entrainement brule-graisse pour créer un programme encore plus intense : vous réalisez de longues périodes d'exercices à haute intensité, suivies de courtes périodes de repos actif.
Vous alternez entre travail aérobique et anaérobique, ce qui fait que votre corps est constamment obligé de s'adapter, et le résultat : une perte de graisse importante, un corps resculpté et des résultats impressionnants en seulement 60 jours !

Le contenu du programme :

En acquérant Insanity, vous recevez un programme complet de 60 jours, c'est-à-dire un total de 10 workouts à alterner en suivant un calendrier bien précis. Rien n'est laissé au hasard, vous êtes entièrement accompagné, guidé, cadré, avec un guide nutritionnel à suivre au quotidien, un guide fitness pour vous donner des conseils, tout en gardant l'autonomie de faire du sport chez vous. Tout ce que vous avez à faire, c'est appuyer sur "play" tous les jours !!
Ce que contient le pack :


  • 10 Workout vidéos 

  • 4 BONUS :   

Des guide fitness contenant des conseils, la présentation du programme, le planning à suivre et un calendrier pou pouvoir
mettre une belle grosse croix à chaque workout accompli !

  • BONUS 1 : Fit Test

  • BONUS 2 : Insanity Journal

  • BONUS 3 : Insanity Workout Calendar

  • BONUS 4 : Insanity Workout Schedule

( 10 Workouts Video + 4 Bonus )
Le tout est GRATUIT pour vous !!!

INSANITY Base Kit - Video Workout

A workout you'd be mad to overlook

How It Works
If you're starting a workout program that calls itself "Insanity," you know it's going to be over the top. This is one of the most challenging fitness programs on the market.

Insanity is a total body workout that requires no gym or equipment. You exercise right at home, using your own body weight for resistance. The program is based on a fitness method called "max interval training." In traditional interval training, you exercise at a very intense pace for a short period of time, and then rest for longer periods in between. The idea is to increase your aerobic fitness level while burning fat.

Max interval training has you work as hard as you can for 3-minute intervals, with 30-second periods of rest in between. According to the Insanity web site, exercising at this extreme intensity level will help you burn up to 1,000 calories an hour.

There are 10 workouts in the Insanity program. Each routine takes between 30 and 60 minutes to complete, and you do them a grueling 6 days a week. Over the 60-day program, you change your workout schedule on a weekly basis.

The first month has five total body workouts:
  • Fit Test
  • Plyometric Cardio Circuit
  • Cardio Power and Resistance
  • Cardio Recovery
  • Pure Cardio

Before starting the second month, you do a week of recovery that includes a daily core cardio and balance routine. Although you will still sweat, this workout is less intense than those in the first four weeks. The idea is to prep your body for the even more extreme second month ahead.

That second month has four new workouts:
  • Max Interval Circuit
  • Max Interval Plyo
  • Max Cardio Conditioning
  • Max Recovery

Intensity Level: Very High
This is an extreme fitness program that requires you to work out at a very high intensity level with little rest in between. Even if you're already in good shape, it might be hard for you to keep up when you first get started.


INSANITY Base Kit - Video Workout

  • Complete set includes 10 intense videos for a great workout.
  • Your personal trainer Shaun T will push you past your limits with 10 workout videos packed with plyometric drills.
  • Each workout keeps you constantly challenged as you alternate between aerobic and anaerobic intervals performed at your max.
  • Perform long bursts of maximum-intensity exercises with short periods of rest.

  • BONUS 1 : Fit Test

Perform the moves listed above. Do as many reps as you can in one minute then record your results after every exercise. Remember to warm up first and rest when needed.

  • BONUS 2 : Insanity Journal

  • BONUS 3 : Insanity Workout Calendar

It's covers all 60 days of your insanity workout and includes an area for your fitness test results.
The Workout Calendar is an essential component to Insanity. Which workout to do and when. Without it? You simply don’t know what to do.

  • BONUS 4 : Insanity Workout Schedule

This workout is scheduled for 60 days.

( 10 Workouts Video + 4 Bonus )
All the pack
is FREE for you !!!


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Six-pack secrets: How your man can build the body ?

Six-pack secrets: How your man can build the body he – and you – have always wanted in just TWELVE weeks

  • Men's Fitness writer went from chubby to chiselled in just 12 weeks
  • Average Joe gained 10kg of muscle and lost 8kg of fat – the equivalent of 16 large packs of butter
  • Joe, 31, still ate his favourite foods in moderation and drank a glass of red wine at weekends
  • Here he reveals his secrets to becoming a Men’s Fitness cover star and explains how YOU can build cheese grater abs in three months

Joe Warner, the deputy editor of Men’s Fitness, the UK’s best-selling fitness lifestyle magazine, went from flabby, out-of-shape man to a cover model star – complete with rock-hard six-pack – in just 12 weeks, and reveals the secrets to how you can build a brand new physique with only four hours of exercise per week.

So what's his secret?
'I spent most of my 20s doing a lot of running but no matter for how far or how long I ran I would always have a bit of a belly and never any muscles on my chest, shoulders or arms,' he says.

'After turning 30 I decided to see whether I could get into the best shape I have ever been in.

'I deal with a lot of fitness models for my job but always thought I would never be able to get a physique like theirs.

'I believed I just didn’t have the right genetics or enough time to make it happen. But it turns out that there is no legitimate reason for not making huge changes to the way you look without a t-shirt on. 

'If I can do it, anyone can. I’m an average guy with a busy, deadline-driven desk job so finding the time to train is always difficult, but the regime I followed proves that you don’t need to spend hour after hour exercising to dramatically transform the way you look, even in a relatively short period of time.' 

Step by step: Joe's abs look considerably better after just one week but by week 12, he's in model territory

  1. Monday: 60-minute run
  2. Tuesday: 45-minute run
  3. Wednesday: 60-minute gym session 
  4. Thursday: 60-minute run 
  5. Friday: Rest
  6. Saturday: 45-minute run 
  7. Sunday: Rest

  1. Monday: 60-minute gym session
  2. Tuesday: Rest
  3. Wednesday: 60-minute gym session 
  4. Thursday: Rest
  5. Friday: 60-minute gym session 
  6. Saturday: 60-minute gym session 
  7. Sunday: Rest

Nick Mitchell, the founder of Ultimate Performance, which has two personal training gyms in London, who designed and oversaw Joe’s training programme says:

‘When Joe came to me he had a 'skinny fat' physique, which is when you have very little muscle mass on your torso but a large amount of fat stored around the stomach. 

'It’s a body shape I’m seeing increasingly among UK men and one that can lead to a lot of long-term health issues, especially diabetes. 

'But Joe and I have proved that an effective training regime, which doesn’t require hours of boring exercise, coupled with smart eating can radically reduce body-fat levels while also packing on significant amounts of lean muscle for a better, and ultimately healthier, body.'

Nick’s training programme revolved around just one hour-long gym session four times per week, and in 12 weeks Joe shed 8kg of fat – the equivalent to 16 large packets of butter - while building 10kg of lean muscle mass to completely transform his body into one worthy of gracing the cover of Men’s Fitness magazine.

Tough: Joe pumps some iron under the watchful eye of Ultimate Performance trainer, Nick Mitchell

Feeling the burn: Joe's fat-busting fitness plan involves plenty of cardio - but only in short bursts
Joe’s four sessions were carried out on Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunch times, and first thing Saturday morning, so it had minimal impact on his work or social life. 

'Instead of working through lunch with a sandwich at my desk I got out of the office, trained, worked off some steam them came back to my job more energised and focused,' he says. 

'I found my productivity soared once I started training. Even if you have a very busy, very stressful job finding just four hours per week to train will not only have huge benefits to your physique, it will also help you combat stress levels and allow you to work more effectively and efficiently. 

'I booked my training sessions into my diary just like I would any other meeting. It sounds silly but it makes them feel more important so you’re less likely to cancel them.'

'I started seeing major changes after the first week and after a fortnight by body-fat percentage had tumbled from nearly 17 per cent to 12.8 per cent, with nearly all of the fat falling off my stomach,' says Joe. 

'I was also adding lean muscle mass to my chest, shoulders and arms, so being wider on my torso but narrower at my waist made me look radically different relatively quicker.'

Ultimate Performance trainer Nick Mitchell knows exactly what it takes to shift that festive flab fast

  1. Breakfast: Cappuccino and croissant
  2. Snack: Tea and biscuits
  3. Lunch: Jacket potato with cheese and coleslaw
  4. Snack: Fizzy drink and crisps
  5. Dinner: Pasta with vegetables in tomato sauce

  1. Breakfast: Bacon and scrambled eggs
  2. Snack: Handful of mixed nuts
  3. Lunch: Tuna salad with peppers and olives
  4. Snack: Greek yoghurt 
  5. Dinner: Steak with sweet potato fries

'The key to getting rapid results is to work out intensively for a short amount of time, then give your body time to recover fully before training again,' says Nick.

'Training for too long in one go is counter-productive to getting a better body: it places too much stress on your body, which actually eats away at your muscles and encourages the storage of fat. 

'It’s also important to frequently change the exercises you do, and how many sets and reps of each you do so that your body is always out of its comfort zone so must keeping burning fat and building muscle so it’s ready for anything.'

Joe’s diet revolved around plenty of lean red meat and white meat, fish, fresh vegetables, eggs and slow-release carbs, such as sweet potatoes.

'The diet I followed was simple but effective so I was never hungry,' he says. 

'You do need to be organised so that you are never tempted by a quick sandwich and crisps at lunch, but I found that I was actually enjoying my food more on the diet than before, mainly because steak, vegetables and sweet potato mash is far more delicious than a pre-packed sarnie or ready meal. 

'And when you are training hard you want to feed your body the right food to keep your muscles growing and your belly shrinking.'

Body fat begone: Joe doesn't have an inch to pinch at the end of his intensive 12-week fitness regime

'I could even have a glass of red wine at the weekends, so never felt as though I was sacrificing anything,' he adds. 

'At first it was hard to go out and not being able to drink or order anything I wanted off the menu. 
'But most restaurants will serve steak, chicken or fish and happily give you as many vegetables as you want.

'It didn’t take long before I stopped craving for sugary foods and snacks because I could see that my training and diet regime were really working.'

'Joe has proved that training hard and eating healthily is all you need to do to transform your body into one that can grace the cover of a magazine,'Nick adds.

'A smart training plan, executed with 100% effort, really is the best, and most effective, way to build the body you’ve always wanted.'

Men's Fitness writer builds 'ideal body' in just TWELVE weeks


The Truth About Belly Fat

Surprise: Everyone has some belly fat, even people who have flat abs.
That's normal. But too much belly fat can affect your health in a way that other fat doesn't.
Some of your fat is right under your skin. Other fat is deeper inside, around your heart, lungs, liver, and other organs.
It's that deeper fat -- called "visceral" fat -- that may be the bigger problem, even for thin people.

Deep Belly Fat
You need some visceral fat. It provides cushioning around your organs.

But if you have too much of it, you may be more likely to get high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and certain cancers, including breast cancer and colon cancer.

The fat doesn't just sit there. It's an active part of your body, making "lots of nasty substances," says Kristen Hairston, MD, assistant professor of endocrinology and metabolism at Wake Forest School of Medicine.

If you gain too much weight, your body starts to store your fat in unusual places.

With increasing obesity, you have people whose regular areas to store fat are so full that the fat is deposited into the organs and around the heart, says Carol Shively, PhD, professor of pathology-comparative medicine at Wake Forest School of Medicine.

How Much Belly Fat Do You Have?
The most precise way to determine how much visceral fat you have is to get a CT scan or MRI. But there's a much simpler, low-cost way to check.

Get a measuring tape, wrap it around your waist at your belly button, and check your girth. Do it while you're standing up, and make sure the tape measure is level.

For your health's sake, you want your waist size to be less than 35 inches if you're a woman and less than 40 inches if you're a man.

Having a "pear shape" -- bigger hips and thighs -- is considered safer than an "apple shape," which describes a wider waistline.

“What we’re really pointing to with the apple versus pear,” Hairston says, "is that, if you have more abdominal fat, it’s probably an indicator that you have more visceral fat."

Thin People Have It, Too
Even if you're thin, you can still have too much visceral fat.

How much you have is partly about your genes, and partly about your lifestyle, especially how active you are.

Visceral fat likes inactivity. In one study, thin people who watched their diets but didn't exercise were more likely to have too much visceral fat.

The key is to be active, no matter what size you are.

4 Steps for Beating Belly Fat
There are four keys to controlling belly fat: exercise, diet, sleep, and stress management.

1. Exercise: Vigorous exercise trims all your fat, including visceral fat.

Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 days a week. Walking counts, as long as it's brisk enough that you work up a sweat and breathe harder, with your heart rate faster than usual.

To get the same results in half the time, step up your pace and get vigorous exercise -- like jogging or walking. You'd need to do that for 20 minutes a day, 4 days a week.

Jog, if you're already fit, or walk briskly at an incline on a treadmill if you're not ready for jogging. Vigorous workouts on stationary bikes and elliptical or rowing machines are also effective, says Duke researcher Cris Slentz, PhD.

Moderate activity -- raising your heart rate for 30 minutes at least three times per week -- also helps. It slows down how much visceral fat you gain. But to torch visceral fat, your workouts may need to be stepped up.

“Rake leaves, walk, garden, go to Zumba, play soccer with your kids. It doesn’t have to be in the gym,” Hairston says.

If you are not active now, it's a good idea to check with your health care provider before starting a new fitness program.

2. Diet: There is no magic diet for belly fat. But when you lose weight on any diet, belly fat usually goes first.

Getting enough fiber can help. Hairston’s research shows that people who eat 10 grams of soluble fiber per day -- without any other diet changes -- build up less visceral fat over time than others. That’s as simple as eating two small apples, a cup of green peas, or a half-cup of pinto beans.

“Even if you kept everything else the same but switched to a higher-fiber bread, you might be able to better maintain your weight over time,” Hairston says.

3. Sleep: Getting the right amount of shut-eye helps. In one study, people who got 6 to 7 hours of sleep per night gained less visceral fat over 5 years compared to those who slept 5 or fewer hours per night or 8 or more hours per night. Sleep may not have been the only thing that mattered -- but it was part of the picture.

4. Stress: Everyone has stress. How you handle it matters. The best things you can do include relaxing with friends and family, meditating, exercising to blow off steam, and getting counseling. That leaves you healthier and better prepared to make good choices for yourself.

“If you could only afford the time to do one of these things," Shively says, "exercise probably has the most immediate benefits, because it gets at both obesity and stress.”

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